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4 Information about the stomach

Information about the stomach

The stomach can be defined as one of the organs of the digestive system. It resembles a cyst in shape. The stomach is located between the esophagus and the small intestine, specifically in the front part of the abdominal cavity. It is noteworthy that the stomach acts as a temporary container for storing food and distributing it mechanically before transporting it to the intestine. The main function of the stomach is to digest food. In fact, the stomach has the ability to expand and contract depending on the amount of food in it. This article will provide information about the stomach wall.

Information about the stomach

Stomach wall:

It is the inner layer, which represents the mucous membrane and is where stomach acid and digestive enzymes are manufactured. Followed by the submucosal layer, which represents a supportive layer. Next is the muscular layer, which represents a thick layer of muscles that moves and mixes the stomach contents. The last two layers are external; They are called the subserosal layer and the outer serous membrane. Thus, the nature of the layers of the stomach wall was clarified.

How the stomach works and information about the stomach:

Food enters the body through the mouth. So that food begins to break down mechanically when it is chewed and mixed with saliva. This continues as the food moves down the esophagus and then to the stomach. The role of the stomach in the digestion process can be explained in detail as follows:

The upper part of the stomach, called the fundus, acts as the primary contact for food when food meets the stomach lining. In this part, the enzyme pepsin is activated, which enables the food to be digested along with hydrochloric acid .

The stomach lining secretes mucus to protect it while breaking down food . The lower part of the stomach, called the pylorus, which is the narrowest area of ​​the stomach, uses muscle movement to mix enzymes, food, and liquid before emptying them into the duodenum .

The inner oblique layer of the body of the stomach aids in digestion by breaking down food particles with digestive juices to produce what is known as chyme. In fact, it takes the stomach a period ranging from 40 minutes to a few hours to convert food into chemistry .

Information about the stomach

The gland, which forms one part of the internal oblique layer of the body of the stomach, allows the stomach to expand as it fills. It also allows the stomach to absorb amounts of food while it is in the stomach. Which stimulates the breakdown of food more . The outer longitudinal layer has longitudinal muscles, While the middle layer of the stomach body has thick circular muscles that enable it to perform the functions of the stomach .

The stomach and stomach wall secrete digestive hormones. These hormones, including ghrelin, play a vital role in the digestive process. peptide YY , gastrin, And secretin .

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