
Agriculture. Poetry in Turkey Istanbul Body sagging Body sculpting Dental Implants Dental implants in Turkey Dr. med. Kukman Ozturk Gastric bypass Gastric bypass surgery Gastric bypass surgery Gastric bypass surgery in Istanbul, Türkiye Gastric cut Gastric cut in Turkey Getting rid of baldness Getting rid of excess weight Getting rid of obesity Hair loss Hair transplantation Hair transplantation in Turkey Hair Transplant Techniques Harmful effects of obesity Kukman Ozturk Liposuction Liposuction in Turkey Medical tourism in Turkey Istanbul Mini gastric bypass Mini gastric bypass surgery in Istanbul, Turkey Obesity treatment Obesity treatment in Turkey Obesity treatment in Turkey Prof. Kukman Ozturk Real Beauty Clinic Real Pizza Clinic Rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty - Istanbul Rhinoplasty in Turkey Rhinoplasty in Turkey Istanbul Sleeve gastrectomy Sleeve gastrectomy Sleeve gastrectomy in Turkey Sleeve gastrectomy in Turkey Sleeve gastrectomy in Turkey Istanbul The latest hair transplant techniques in Turkey Treatment of obesity Treatment of obesity in Turkey Istanbul

أحدث المشافي التركية

شعارنا الأهم هو تأمين بيئة مستشفى ذات جودة عالية .. في جميع المجالات الطبية .. حيث نختار المشافي والأطباء ذو الخبرة والتعقيم والعناية التامة .

تقديم الاستشارة المجانية

نقدم الاستشارة المجانية للمريض قبل قدومه لاجراء العملية .. حيث يتمتع فريقنا من الاستشاريين بخبرة عالية تساعد المريض على فهم العمليات وكافة التفاصيل المهمة.

فريق طبي متخصص

لأن الافضل هو خيارنا الوحيد .. تؤمن عياداتنا فريق طبي ذو خبرة عالية في المجالات الطبية .. والاهم هو خبرة الطبيب حيث يتمتع فريقنا الطبي بخبرة عالية في المجالات الطبية عامة

الحقيبة العلاجية المجانية

نقوم بتقديم جميع الادوية الخاصة بعملية الشفاء بعد العملية

اجراء التحاليل والاختبارات

نقوم بإجراء كافة التحاليل الطبية اللازمة قبل العملية وبعدها للتأكد من سلامة المريض وضمان نجاح العملية

خدمات المواصلات و الترجمة

لأننا نسعى دوما لتقديم الأفضل لعملائنا .. نوفر لكم خدمات التنقل والتوصيل من والى المطار وتأمين سيارات خاصة بالاضافة الى خدمات الترجمة والمتابعة في جميع الاجراءات اللازمة



Prof. Kukmen Ozturk

DOÇ. DR. GÖKMEN ÖZTÜRK, Senior Medical Consultant to Prof. Kokman Ozturk, A step towards a better life.


Rhinoplasty in Turkey Istanbul at Real Beauty Clinic Centers. Using the latest medical methods. Under the supervision of experts in the field of beauty and beauty.

Laser body hair removal

Laser body month removal with the latest medical methods using the latest medical laser devices. Our prices are thoughtful to suit everyone. Real Beauty Clinic is your address to success.

Hair transplantation

Hair treatment operations in Turkey Istanbul using modern and advanced hair transplant techniques in Turkey Istanbul. Our prices are thoughtful to suit everyone. Ensure the success of the operation. Real Beauty Clinic Centers in Turkey Istanbul is your address for excellence and beauty.

Hollywood smile

Get a Hollywood smile with the latest medical methods. Under the supervision of experts in the field of dentistry and cosmetic dentistry. At Real Beauty Clinic Centers. Our prices are thoughtful to suit everyone.

Breast augmentation surgery

Breast augmentation surgery using the latest medical methods at Real Beauty Clinic. Our prices are thoughtful to suit everyone.

Body sculpting operations

Body sculpting operations in Turkey Istanbul. At Real Beauty Clinic Centers. Under the supervision of experts in the world of beauty and beauty.

Sleeve gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy at Real Beauty Clinic in Turkey, Istanbul. Under the supervision of experts and specialists. Thoughtful prices to suit everyone.

Mini gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass surgery at Real Beauty Clinic in Turkey, Istanbul. Under the supervision of specialists and experts in the field of obesity treatment. Thoughtful prices to suit everyone.

ريال بيوتي كلينيك

نحن نسعى دائما ومن خلال ثقتكم بنا لان نكون نقطة التحول الافضل في مسار حياة كل مريض لدينا وصولا الى تحسين نوعية حياته وتعزيز ثقته بنفسه ..

معنا راحتكم النفسية بمظهر جذاب أصبح واقعا ملموسا فنحن نساعدكم بكل محبة لإيجاد المختصين ذوي الخبرة بالجراحة التجميلية في تركيا .

اقرأ المزيد


Rhinoplasty in Istanbul: What to Expect Before, During, and After

This article delves into what patients can expect before, during, and after undergoing rhinoplasty in Istanbul, with a focus on the expertise and services provided by Real Beauty Clinic.

Preparing for Obesity Surgery

Obesity surgery, also known as weight loss surgery or a bariatric procedure, is a significant step towards a healthier life …

Obesity and Chronic Diseases: The Hidden Risks

This blog delves into the hidden risks of Obesity and Chronic Diseases, exploring the mechanisms, consequences, and potential strategies for prevention and management

Advantages and Risks of Teeth Transplants: A Comprehensive Guide

we will delve into Advantages and Risks of Teeth Transplants, explore the possible risks and complications,

Safe & Beautiful Smiles: Cosmetic Dentistry Options for You

Discoloration, chips, gaps, or misalignment can hold you back from expressing yourself fully. This is where Cosmetic Dentistry Options comes in, offering a range of procedures to transform your smile

Tummy Tuck After Twins: How to Restore Your Midsection Post-Multiples

This blog explores the journey of restoring your midsection post-twins through tummy tuck surgery, providing insights into the procedure, recovery

The different types of rhinoplasty

Understanding the difference between cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty is critical for anyone considering surgery. In this blog, We’ll dive into the details of both types, their purposes. their techniques.

The latest innovations in hair transplantation

This article explores the latest innovations in hair transplantation. It reviews recent research and clinical trials. It makes predictions about future trends in hair restoration.

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: Non-surgical method for losing weight

In the last years, Endoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (ESG) has emerged as a promising and minimally invasive alternative. It offers a non-surgical solution to weight loss.

Nutritional supplements after gastric bypass

This blog delves into the world of nutrient deficiencies after gastric bypass surgery. She explores the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of staying healthy with nutritional supplements.

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