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The different types of rhinoplasty

الأنواع المختلفة من عملية تجميل الأنف

Cosmetic vs. functional

rhinoplasty, commonly known as nose surgery. is a surgical procedure that changes the shape of the nose. While many people associate rhinoplasty with cosmetic purposes. It is important to realize that this procedure can also serve functional purposes. Understanding the difference between cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty is critical for anyone considering surgery. In this blog, We’ll dive into the details of both types, their purposes, and techniques. and what patients can expect.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty


Cosmetic rhinoplasty is primarily performed to improve the appearance of the nose. This type of rhinoplasty is chosen by individuals who are dissatisfied with the shape, size, or overall appearance of the nose and wish to achieve a more aesthetically appealing appearance.

The different types of rhinoplasty

Common reasons for cosmetic rhinoplasty

  • Nose asymmetry: Correcting uneven nostrils or the overall shape of the nose.
  • Reducing the size: Reduce the size of a large nose.
  • Nose tip reshaping: Reshaping a bulbous, drooping or excessively raised nasal tip.
  • Removing the hump: Flatten the protruding bump on the bridge of the nose.
  • Nostril adjustments: Reduce the size of wide nostrils.


Cosmetic rhinoplasty can be performed using two main techniques:

  1. Open rhinoplasty:
    • It involves an incision across the nasal shaft (the tissue between the nostrils).
    • Provides better visibility and access to nasal structures.
    • Ideal for more complex remodeling tasks.
  2. Closed rhinoplasty:
    • All incisions are made inside the nostrils.
    • Leaves no visible scars.
    • It is usually used for less complex remodeling.

Healing and results

  • Healing time: It usually takes about 1-2 weeks for initial healing, with swelling and bruising gradually fading.
  • Final results: It may take up to a year to fully appear as the swelling goes down and the nose settles into its new shape.

Functional Rhinoplasty

The different types of rhinoplasty


Functional rhinoplasty is performed to correct structural issues that hinder the normal function of the nose. This type of rhinoplasty is often medically necessary to improve breathing and overall nasal function.

Common Causes of Functional Rhinoplasty

  • Deviated septum: Straightening the nasal septum to improve airflow.
  • Nasal valve collapse: Strengthening or enlarging the area of the nasal valve to prevent collapse.
  • Enlarged corneas: Reduce the size of enlarged corneas that obstruct airflow.
  • Chronic nasal congestion: Addressing structural issues that contribute to persistent congestion.


Functional rhinoplasty may also include techniques similar to cosmetic rhinoplasty. But the focus is on restoring or improving nasal function:

  1. Nasal septum correction:
    • Corrects a deviated septum by reorienting and straightening it.
    • It is often performed in conjunction with rhinoplasty to address cosmetic and functional issues.
  2. Reducing corneas:
    • Reduces the size of the corneas (structures inside the nose) to promote airflow.
    • It can be achieved through various methods. including radiofrequency ablation or surgical ablation.

Healing and results

  • Healing time: Similar to cosmetic rhinoplasty, with 1-2 weeks for initial healing.
  • Improving function: Patients usually notice improved breathing within a few weeks as swelling is reduced.

Combining cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty

In many cases. Patients may need cosmetic and functional improvements. Combining these procedures can address aesthetic concerns while simultaneously resolving functional issues. This approach ensures that patients achieve their desired appearance and improved nasal function in a single surgical session.

Consultation and planning

A thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon or ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist is essential. The surgeon will:

  • A detailed examination of the internal and external nasal structures.
  • Discuss the patient’s goals and expectations.
  • Develop a personalized surgical plan that addresses both cosmetic and functional needs.


Rhinoplasty is a versatile procedure that can enhance the shape and function of the nose. Whether the goal is to achieve a more attractive appearance or to correct functional defects. Understanding the differences between cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty is essential. By choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon. Patients can ensure they receive the best possible care customized to their unique needs.

If you are considering rhinoplasty and would like to explore your options. Whether for cosmetic or functional optimization. It is necessary to make an informed decision. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our board-certified surgeons.

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