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When can you exercise after gastric bypass?

متى يمكن ممارسة الرياضة بعد قص المعدة

When can you exercise after gastric bypass?

It is necessary to consult a doctor before starting to exercise and to start exercising after gastric sleeve surgery to know the most appropriate time to exercise. Know what sports are allowed after gastric sleeve surgery to avoid harm to you and your health.

First : Exercises during the first month the second month after gastric bypass.

  • Exercise a month after gastric sleeve surgery is walking, since your body is still weak to adapt to this change.
  • It is preferable to start by walking for 10 minutes regularly every day.
  • Walking increases blood flow in the body, helps in recovery, and reduces the risk of surgery complications.

Second: Exercise in the third month after gastric sleeve surgery

At the beginning of the third month, you may be ready to practice some other exercises, such as:

  • Brisk walking.
  • Aerobics.
  • Lift light weights.

Third: Exercise during the fourth-sixth month after gastric sleeve surgery

You are now ready to exercise more by increasing your workout time by up to 30 minutes. like:

  • Yoga.
  • Jogging or running.
  • Swimming.
  • Dance.
When can you exercise after gastric bypass?

Fourth: Exercise from 6 months to 12 months after gastric sleeve surgery

  • After 6 months, the risk of serious complications from gastric sleeve surgery decreases.
  • Exercising after gastric sleeve surgery can increase to 45 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week.
  • You can do cardio exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles, lower back, and thighs.
  • After the first year has passed, you deserve congratulations. You may have lost more than half of your excess weight and achieved what you wanted .

Exercises to avoid after gastric sleeve surgery

Although gastric sleeve surgery has become an easy surgery because it is performed laparoscopically, However, there are some precautions while exercising after gastric sleeve surgery that must be adhered to, including:

  • Heavy lifting exercises or huge weights.
  • Abdominal Exercises.
  • Violent sports such as boxing or judo .

What are the benefits of exercising after gastric bypass?

  1. Maintain weight loss .
  2. Boost metabolism .
  3. Reducing the risk of heart disease .
  4. Reducing the risk of some types of cancer .
  5. Increase muscle size at the expense of fat mass .
  6. Tighten the body and reduce sagging after gastric sleeve surgery .
  7. Reduce joint pain and increase bone strength .
  8. Assistance in performing daily activities .
  9. Improving the general health of the body .
  10. Improving the psychological and mood state of the mind .

To read our article about gastric sleeve surgery:

Press here

For more details, please contact the consultant directly via WhatsApp, click on the link below:


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