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Thyroid gland

الغدة الدرقية

Thyroid :

The gland is one of the most important endocrine glands in the body, as it contributes to regulating its metabolic processes.
It consists of two lobes: The right lobe is connected to the left lobe by a thin strip of thyroid tissue known as the isthmus

The thyroid gland resembles the shape of a butterfly. It is located in the front part of the middle of the neck, just below the Adam’s apple. Specifically, next to the trachea, esophagus, and pharynx; Where it wraps around the cricoid cartilage

And upper tracheal rings.
Although the weight of the thyroid gland varies from one person to another depending on the size of the person and the levels of iodine in his diet, it usually weighs approximately 15-20 grams. It is worth saying that the thyroid gland uses the iodine it obtains from the diet to produce its hormones, which will be detailed later. The gland secretes these hormones directly into the blood when needed. Therefore, it is connected to two main arteries that feed it: They are the inferior thyroid artery

And the superior thyroid artery

It should be noted that the gland is found in both women and men alike.

Thyroid gland

Thyroid hormones:

The gland is composed of two types of cells: follicular cells

And the parafollicular cells, where the latter secrete the hormone calcitonin. In fact, the follicular cells constitute the largest part of the thyroid cells, which are responsible for secreting the thyroid hormones that contain iodine, namely thyroxine hormones, known as T4 , and triiodothyronine hormones, known as T3.

Thyroid function:

The gland plays an important role in regulating metabolic processes in the body. As most of the cells and tissues of the body are affected or regulated by the hormones T3 and T4 by controlling the production of certain proteins or not, In fact, For example, these two hormones contribute to regulating the growth and function of the brain and nerves. As well as heart rate, and blood pumping power, bone strength, They also affect the speed at which food moves through the digestive system. Rapid production and use of glucose in the body, As well as the functions of both skin and hair, And the eyes and intestines

In addition, the gland contributes to regulating the levels of calcium, phosphate and potassium in the blood through the hormone calcitonin. This is done by controlling the activity of osteoclast cells

Which works to break down bone, Consequently, the concentration of calcium in the bloodstream increases, Therefore, calcitonin inhibition of osteoclasts reduces calcium levels in the blood. Calcitonin may also reduce the amount of calcium that can be reabsorbed by the kidneys. Which leads to lowering its levels.


If the gland is insufficient, it produces small amounts of its hormones. Which leads to the appearance of many symptoms, Symptoms of hypothyroidism include feeling sick and tired, Heavy and frequent menstrual bleeding, forgetfulness, and weight gain, Dry skin and coarse hair, And hoarseness, intolerance to cold, There are many causes that may lead to hypothyroidism, It may include the following

  • Inflammation of the gland
  • Hashimoto’s gland inflammation
  • Iodine deficiency
  • Congenital hypothyroidism
  • Thyroidectomy or radioactive iodine therapy
  • Exposure to excessive amounts of iodine
  • Lithium medication

The thyroid gland also greatly affects the increase in obesity in the body.

To read our article about gastric sleeve surgery:

Press here

Services provided by the Real Beauty Clinic family:

1- Transportation service back and forth from the airport and to the airport: After confirming the patient’s reservation, a car is sent to the airport and the patient is taken to the hotel, and then the patient is taken from the hotel to the hospital to conduct comprehensive analyzes before the operation. And then from the hospital to the hotel.

Then the patient is taken from the hotel to the hospital for the operation after the operation, the patient is delivered from the hospital to the hotel. Then we drop the patient off from the hotel to the airport.

2- Comprehensive analyzes before and after the operation: Before the operation, comprehensive examinations of the body are conducted to ensure the patient’s health and full qualification for the operation.

After the operation, comprehensive examinations are conducted for the patient before his discharge from the hospital to ensure his full health.

3- Hotel service: The Real Beauty Clinic family offers two nights in the hotel to its customers outside Turkey, and the cost of these two nights is included in the cost of the process paid.

4- Facilities inside the hospital: An interpreter fluent in Arabic and Turkish is sent to the hospital to stay with customers and secure all their needs and requirements inside the hospital.

For more details, please contact the consultant directly via WhatsApp, click on the link below:


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