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Obesity and cancer risk

السمنة وخطر الاصابة بالسرطان

Obesity and cancer:

Excess fat in the body stimulates cell division at a greater than normal rate. Which leads to cancer, There are also several factors caused by obesity that may lead to the risk of cancer , including the following:

  1. Excessive body fat causes high levels of insulin and growth hormones. This increase stimulates cells to divide more.
  2. It stimulates the death of fat cells that are abundant in the body. Sending immune cells to remove dead cells, Which causes inflammation, which in turn increases the speed of cell division and thus increases the risk of cancer.
  3. Fat cells produce estrogen after menopause . Estrogen is considered one of the factors that stimulate rapid cell division, especially in the breast and uterus area, causing cell dysfunction and thus increasing the risk of cancer.
  4. Excess fat in the abdominal area increases the risk of colorectal cancer . It may also be associated with pancreatic , endometrial, and breast cancer , especially in post-menopausal women.
  5. Young people who suffer from obesity are more likely to develop cancer than people who gain weight at an older age. For example, research has shown that women who suffer from obesity in adolescence before puberty are more likely to develop ovarian cancer before menopause.

What’s the solution ??

Obesity treatment experts and doctors in Turkey advise…

Getting rid of excess weight through a procedure

1- Mini gastric bypass operation

2- Gastric sleeve surgery, or what is known as gastric sleeve surgery.

These two operations were transformed from cosmetic operations into therapeutic operations.

As a result of the impressive results that an obese person obtains after the operation.

As a result of the long follow-up that the patient receives at Real Beauty Clinic centers. It has been concluded that the correct time for pregnancy is one year after the operation, in order to reach the ideal weight and get rid of all matters related to obesity and accumulated fat.

Services provided by the Real Beauty Clinic family to its customers outside Turkey in the field of obesity treatment and plastic surgery:

1- Transportation service back and forth from the airport and to the airport: After confirming the patient’s reservation, a car is sent to the airport and the patient is taken to the hotel, and then the patient is taken from the hotel to the hospital to conduct comprehensive analyzes before the operation. And then from the hospital to the hotel.

Then the patient is taken from the hotel to the hospital for the operation after the operation, the patient is delivered from the hospital to the hotel. Then we drop the patient off from the hotel to the airport.

2- Comprehensive analyzes before and after the operation: Before the operation, comprehensive examinations of the body are conducted to ensure the patient’s health and full qualification for the operation.

After the operation, comprehensive examinations are conducted for the patient before his discharge from the hospital to ensure his full health.

3- Hotel service: The Real Beauty Clinic family offers two nights in the hotel to its customers outside Turkey, and the cost of these two nights is included in the cost of the process paid.

4- Facilities inside the hospital: An interpreter fluent in Arabic and Turkish is sent to the hospital to stay with customers and secure all their needs and requirements inside the hospital.

For more details, please contact the consultant directly via WhatsApp, click on the link below:


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