Gastric bypass conditions

Operations are characterized gagging Stomach in Turkey And He told Stomach in Turkey It achieves very high results , as it is practical gagging Stomach Laparoscopically It gives the patient a faster recovery time , better results, and less risk . In gastric sleeve surgery, a large part of the stomach is removed. Stomach In a way similar to a sleeve , in this way the gagged person feels full quickly, which helps him lose weight significantly and in a short period of time .
What is gastric bypass?
Includes Gastric sleeve surgery Isolating and removing the largest part of the stomach, Leaving a relatively thin portion of it, In a quantum-like way, Hence this name came from .
In our article we talk about:
Laparoscopic gastric sleeve?
During laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, About seventy-five percent of the stomach is removed, The intestine is not removed or bypassed during the gastric sleeve procedure.
Benefits of gastric bypass
- Heart patients.
- hypertension.
- High fat.
- Apnea and suffocation during sleep.
- Type 2 diabetes.
- brain attack .
Side effects of gastric bypass surgery
- Complications of general anesthesia.
- Bleeding from the site of the operation.
- The probability of leakage occurring at the site of the operation is 1%.
- The possibility of narrowing at the site of the gastric sleeve surgery is 1% , and it is treated with transoral endoscopy .
Gastric bypass conditions
Gastric sleeve surgery is used to treat obesity. in case:
- A body mass index of more than 40 kilograms per square metre, Whether with or without obesity complications.
- The body mass index rises to between 35-40 kilograms per square metre, The presence of one of the serious complications of obesity, such as diabetes, Sleep disorders and snoring, high blood pressure, Coronary artery diseases and others.
- The body mass index rises to between 30-35 kilograms per square metre, With difficulty controlling sugar levels, Or the presence of metabolic syndrome.
Results of gastric sleeve surgery in Türkiye
Weight loss: Two years after the operation, the patient loses 60% of his excess weight. Until he reaches a body mass index between 25-32, depending on his weight before the operation.
Improvement of type 2 diabetes : in 66% of patients, According to a study in which patients were evaluated for 13 months after the operation .

Is gastric bypass surgery beneficial for diabetics?
Many specialists believe that individuals with diabetes show immediate and noticeable improvement after gastric sleeve surgery. The study showed that bariatric surgery, Gastric sleeve surgery is more effective than drug treatment alone. In diabetes management . The remaining part of the stomach is small . Gastrectomy appears to have some weight loss-independent effects on glucose metabolism. This also causes some changes in intestinal hormones that improve the condition of diabetics .
Read our article about gastric sleeve surgery.
Services provided by the Real Beauty Clinic family:
1- Transportation service back and forth from the airport and to the airport: After confirming the patient’s reservation, a car is sent to the airport and the patient is taken to the hotel, and then the patient is taken from the hotel to the hospital to conduct comprehensive analyzes before the operation. And then from the hospital to the hotel.
Then the patient is taken from the hotel to the hospital for the operation after the operation, the patient is delivered from the hospital to the hotel. Then we drop the patient off from the hotel to the airport.
2- Comprehensive analyzes before and after the operation: Before the operation, comprehensive examinations of the body are conducted to ensure the patient’s health and full qualification for the operation.
After the operation, comprehensive examinations are conducted for the patient before his discharge from the hospital to ensure his full health.
3- Hotel service: The Real Beauty Clinic family offers two nights in the hotel to its customers outside Turkey, and the cost of these two nights is included in the cost of the process paid.
4- Facilities inside the hospital: An interpreter fluent in Arabic and Turkish is sent to the hospital to stay with customers and secure all their needs and requirements inside the hospital.
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