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Benefits of gastric sleeve surgery

فوائد عملية تكميم المعدة

Obesity or overweight is one of the most widespread health problems in the twenty-first century. Obesity is not limited to the elderly or those suffering from some diseases, but rather extends to children and adolescents. This is due to the demand for fast food, poor diet, and lack of physical effort.

Obesity is the main cause of many chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, bone pain, And sudden death; Therefore, everyone who suffers from obesity resorts to exercise or following a specific diet or diet under the supervision of a specialist to reduce weight and get rid of excess fat in the body, but due to excessive obesity and the difficulty of the body responding to these methods, the role of surgical intervention comes through what is known as the gastric sleeve procedure.

Definition of the quantization process:

Sleeve gastrectomy is the process of removing a part of the stomach through surgical intervention at the hands of a specialist doctor, such that the removed part may reach 70% of the original size of the stomach, according to the doctor’s diagnosis and as required by the medical condition after the patient agrees to perform the operation.

Explanation of the filling process:

The patient undergoes the necessary tests required by the doctor before the operation date.
The patient is admitted to the hospital one day before the operation, during which he abstains from food and drink.
The patient is fully anesthetized before the operation begins by the anesthesiologist.
The operation is performed using an endoscope, so the abdomen must be inflated with air so that the tools can easily enter, so that the abdomen becomes hollow and rises upward.
One or more holes are made in the patient’s abdomen – the decision is up to the surgeon – and through these holes, the endoscope is inserted, which is connected electronically to a television screen that shows images from inside the abdomen.
Forceps and a device to cut blood vessels, known as a cautery device, are inserted, which cuts the stomach within pre-determined parameters by the doctor.
The cut parts are retracted and the stomach and holes are sutured. The patient remains under care for at least two days and must rest completely after the operation and avoid making any effort or carrying heavy objects. He must also adhere to medications and a healthy diet.
Benefits of gastric sleeve surgery:
Start losing weight gradually, while emphasizing the necessity of not burdening the stomach with its new size with double quantities of food, no matter how urgent the desire to eat is.
Studies have shown that more than 70% of people who underwent gastric sleeve surgery experienced an improvement in the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Enhancing self-confidence by losing excess weight, Hence the ability to work, produce and communicate effectively.
Reducing joint pain and knee roughness due to weight loss, which is clearly noticeable one year after the operation. It also reduces diabetes and improves blood pressure.
The ideal weight when the patient reaches it after surgery will be set in proportion to the patient’s height and psychological state without the need for any other medical intervention. Because the body will get used to an amount of food that is proportional to the new stomach size.

After gastric sleeve surgery:

After completing the surgery, the patient begins his diet by drinking non-carbonated, sugar-free fluids for seven days. After this period, the person can only eat pureed food for three consecutive weeks. After a full month has passed after the surgery, the person can eat normally. With the necessity of taking nutritional supplements that contain vitamins twice a day, And those that contain calcium once a day, The person also needs to get an injection of vitamin B12 once a month. And that’s for life, It is also worth noting the necessity of performing periodic medical examinations and analyzes to monitor the patient’s health condition during the first months after the operation. In fact, Some changes resulting from rapid weight loss may appear in the patient’s body during a period ranging between 3-6 months after gastric sleeve surgery.

Who is this process for??

This process is recommended by:

  • Obese people .
  • People whose nature of work is not suitable for exercise.
  • People with a volumetric mass of more than 10 kg excess body weight.

Services provided by the Real Beauty Clinic family to its customers outside Turkey:

1- Round-trip transportation service from the airport and to the airport: After confirming the reservation from the patient, a car is sent to the airport and the patient is taken to the hotel, and then the patient is taken from the hotel to the hospital for comprehensive analyzes before the operation. And then from the hospital to the hotel.

Then the patient is taken from the hotel to the hospital for the operation after the operation, the patient is delivered from the hospital to the hotel. Then we drop the patient off from the hotel to the airport.

2- Comprehensive analyzes before and after the operation: Before the operation, comprehensive examinations of the body are conducted to ensure the patient’s health and full qualification for the operation.

After the operation, comprehensive examinations are conducted for the patient before his discharge from the hospital to ensure his full health.

3- Hotel service: The Real Beauty Clinic family offers two nights in the hotel to its customers outside Turkey, and the cost of these two nights is included in the cost of the process paid.

4- Facilities inside the hospital: An interpreter fluent in Arabic and Turkish is sent to the hospital to stay with customers and secure all their needs and requirements inside the hospital.

For more details, please contact the consultant directly via WhatsApp, click on the link below:


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