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Hair plasma

Hair plasma

Hair loss is one of the most important things that many people suffer from at the present time.

Therefore, there is a need to solve this problem.

What is the solution?

Hair plasma injection:

Hair plasma

Aesthetic medicine has greatly advanced in this field, and hair transplantation operations have appeared with various modern techniques, such as the FUE method and the old FUT method , which represented hope for many baldness and hair loss patients. However, the disadvantage of hair transplantation operations was the high cost of hair transplantation. Some hair transplant techniques also leave scar marks on the head, such as the strip method.

But after the emergence of plasma injection technology for hair, It has become easier for anyone suffering from baldness or hair loss problems to get PRP injections.

What is hair plasma?

Plasma is a yellowish-white liquid that gives blood fluidity and facilitates its movement.
Plasma fluid consists of water, proteins, inorganic ions, organic materials and dissolved gases.
The primary function of plasma in the body is to transport food to cells, and it also transports the products of metabolism.

Plasma has only been used in the field of cosmetic medicine for about thirty years.

How does plasma treat hair loss?

When injecting the scalp with PRP plasma , it renews cells and stimulates the production of collagen and protein (two substances that make up the second middle layer of the skin and are what give the skin freshness and vitality).
This makes the scalp healthy and strong and has the ability to grow new hair and nourish it with appropriate nutrition.

In addition, plasma contributes to inhibiting the hormone that causes hair loss, and here lies the secret of plasma in treating hair loss .

But we must first know the causes of hair loss in men and women

What are the most important causes of hair loss?

There are many causes of hair loss, the most important of which are:

  1. Genetic causes: Baldness in men is often hereditary.
  2. Skin diseases such as alopecia.
  3. Treatments and medications that have an effect on hair follicles.
  4. Chemotherapy for some diseases has a significant effect.
  5. Malnutrition , which affects blood supply.
  6. Use shampoos and dyes , especially those that contain ammonia.
  7. Pressure and nervous tension.
  8. Use hair dryers frequently and frequently.
  9. Anemia and lack of vitamins in the body.
  10. Losing weight quickly: Crash diets lead to hair loss.
  11. Getting older.

To read our article about hair transplantation:

Press here

Services you provide:

Real Beauty Clinic family

For its customers outside Turkey in the field of obesity treatment and plastic surgery:

1- Transportation service back and forth from the airport and to the airport: After confirming the patient’s reservation, a car is sent to the airport and the patient is taken to the hotel, and then the patient is taken from the hotel to the hospital to conduct comprehensive analyzes before the operation. And then from the hospital to the hotel.

Then the patient is taken from the hotel to the hospital for the operation after the operation, the patient is delivered from the hospital to the hotel. Then we drop the patient off from the hotel to the airport.

2- Comprehensive analyzes before and after the operation: Before the operation, comprehensive examinations of the body are conducted to ensure the patient’s health and full qualification for the operation.

After the operation, comprehensive examinations are conducted for the patient before his discharge from the hospital to ensure his full health.

3- Hotel service: The Real Beauty Clinic family offers two nights in the hotel to its customers outside Turkey, and the cost of these two nights is included in the cost of the process paid.

4- Facilities inside the hospital: An interpreter fluent in Arabic and Turkish is sent to the hospital to stay with customers and secure all their needs and requirements inside the hospital.

For more details, please contact the consultant directly via WhatsApp, click on the link below:


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