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Colon distension

انتفاخ القولون


The colon, also called the large intestine, It is the last part of the intestine, The colon is divided into four sections: the ascending colon, which is located in the right part of the upper abdomen. The transverse colon extends through the abdomen, The descending colon is located in the lower abdomen on the left side. The sigmoid colon is a small curvature that continues into the rectum.

The colon absorbs water, salts, and some nutrients. And the rest of the digestive process, It is excreted through feces, This occurs through the contraction of the inner walls that make up the colon.

Colon distension:

It is referred to as enteritis or ulcerative colitis, There is no direct cause for its occurrence, Some medical centers have indicated that the cause may be the result of a defect in the immune system’s response. or respond in the opposite way, As a result of hereditary factors, Or as a result of surrounding environmental factors, Or it is the result of eating certain foods, Whatever the cause, the immune system reacts, causing inflammation that affects the colon. There is no cure for colitis and bloating. Action involves trying to find a way to relieve symptoms and pain.

Symptoms The most prominent symptoms accompanying it are:

  1. diarrhea: Diarrhea is the first sign of colon distension. It comes suddenly, It is often accompanied by bleeding, Which requires going to the doctor to diagnose the condition and prescribe treatment.
  2. Abdominal pain: One of the signs that indicate colon swelling and inflammation.
  3. Lose weight: As a result of excessive diarrhea and poor colon function, Which hinders the process of digesting food properly, In addition to a lack of vitamins and minerals, Which weakens the body and deteriorates health.

For more details, please contact the consultant directly via WhatsApp, click on the link below:


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