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6 steps to perform dental implants

6 خطوات لإجراء عملية زراعة الأسنان
6 steps to perform dental implants

6 steps to perform dental implants

The steps of dental implants consist of several stages, Below we review the main steps of the transplant process

1. Evaluation and diagnosis: The doctor begins by evaluating the patient’s oral condition and performs examinations and tests to determine if dental implants are suitable for the case. X-rays are taken and bones and gums are examined to determine their readiness to receive dental implants.

2. Planning and planning: After evaluation, The doctor plans the necessary steps for the operation. The number of teeth to be implanted is determined, the implant locations and the appropriate timing for the operation are determined.

3. Implant surgery: Surgery is performed to implant artificial roots (usually titanium) in the jaw. This operation is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia depending on the patient’s condition. small holes are opened in the jaw to receive artificial roots, Then they are carefully placed in place.

4. Osseal integration: After implant surgery, The jaw needs time to heal and the surrounding bone to integrate with the roots of artificial teeth. This work is done by a process called bone fusion, It usually takes several months.

5. Installation of artificial teeth: After skeletal integration, Artificial teeth that will be fixed on artificial roots are designed and manufactured. Artificial teeth are installed after the doctor makes sure that the roots are stable and the mouth is ready.

6. Follow-up and maintenance: After the process is complete, The patient is given instructions and instructions for the care of the new tooth. Oral hygiene must be observed and periodic visits to the doctor to examine and maintain the implanted teeth must be adhered to.

Dental implants are an advanced medical procedure and require the experience and skill of a specialist dentist. These steps are considered general, Details and timing may vary depending on the patient’s condition and doctor’s directions.

Pros of dental implants

The important advantages of dental implants are the following:

1. Restoration of oral functions: Implanted teeth enable the patient to restore normal oral functions, Such as the ability to chew and speak correctly, Which improves the quality of his daily life and nutrition.

2. Improve aesthetic appearance: Implanted teeth contribute to improving the overall appearance of the face and smile, Where it gives the patient beautiful and natural teeth in shape, Which increases his self-confidence and improves his social culture.

3. Stability and stability: The implanted teeth are stable and fixed in the jaw, This enables the patient to carry out daily activities with confidence without worrying about moving artificial teeth.

4. Bone retention: When tooth loss, A decrease in bone density in the jaw can occur, But with dental implants, Preserves bone integrity and maintains bone level, Which preserves the shape of the face and supports the bone structure of the mouth.

5. Longer tooth life: Implanted teeth are designed to last for a long time, It may hold up for decades well with good care and regular maintenance.

6. Do not affect adjacent teeth: Dental implants are a permanent and independent alternative to missing teeth, Which means that they do not need to affect or prepare adjacent teeth, Which preserves the integrity of the surrounding natural teeth.

7. Ease of care and hygiene: Implanted teeth require the same care that is applied to natural teeth, This makes personal care and hygiene easier and saves oral health.

6 steps to perform dental implants

People qualified to do agriculture

Eligible persons are:

1. Dentist specializing in agriculture: The doctor must be a specialist in the field of dental implants and have the necessary knowledge and experience in this field. He must have specialized training and education in dental implant procedures.

2. Experienced and skilled people: Experience and skill in agriculture is an important factor for the success of the operation. The doctor should be able to deal with potential challenges during surgery and provide the necessary post-operative care.

3. Healthy people: People who are candidates for transplantation should generally be in good health. Some health conditions may affect the success of the operation, Therefore, the patient’s health condition is evaluated before the surgery.

4. People who have lost their teeth: The implant is suitable for those who have lost their teeth due to injury, illness or other causes, They want to restore their oral functions and improve their aesthetic appearance.

5. People with affected teeth: Some may have severe tooth wear or gum problems, It would be appropriate for them to consider dental implants to improve the condition of their mouth and reconstruct damaged teeth.

6. People with an adequate amount of bones: The jaw needs to have enough bone to support the implant. If there is a lack of bone, The patient may need a bone transplant before the procedure.

Transplantation requires an important medical decision, The doctor should evaluate each patient individually to verify their suitability for the procedure and provide the best solutions to restore the functions and beauty of the mouth.

What are the appropriate ages for transplantation

This procedure can be done for people of different ages, But there are some considerations to consider when determining the suitability of this procedure for the individual.

generally Appropriate ages for planting include:

1. Puberty: It is preferable that the person has reached puberty before considering dental implants, Where the bone growth in the jaws is almost stabilized.

2. Young adults: Young adults who have lost their teeth can benefit from dental implants to restore their oral function and improve their aesthetic appearance.

3. Adults: Adults of all ages may be candidates for dental implants, As long as they meet the appropriate sanitary and surgical conditions.

4. Elderly: Older people with tooth loss may also have a need for dental implants. But a careful assessment of health and bone status must be made before making a decision.

The health status and oral needs of individuals vary, Therefore, each case should be evaluated individually by a dentist who specializes in implants. The doctor evaluates the bone level, oral health and general condition of the patient to determine whether dental implants are suitable for him and what are the best options to meet his oral needs.

What are the most important types of dental implants?

Several types of dental implants are available, Among the main types are:

1. Immediate Implant: It is the process of dental implants immediately after the extraction of the damaged tooth. This process enables the patient to obtain new teeth immediately without having to wait for the bone healing period.

2. Delayed Implants: In this type, a period is waited for the wound to heal after the extraction of the damaged tooth before performing dental implants.

3. Soft Tissue Graft Dental Implants: This type of implant is used to improve the soft tissues surrounding the implanted teeth, It helps enhance the appearance of the gums and mouth in general.

4. Common dental implants (All-on-4): This technique is suitable for people who lack sufficient bone in the jaws, A set of artificial teeth is implanted on only four implants.

5. Implants: These implants are used in the upper jaw where there may be challenges due to the proximity of the sinus sinusoids.

6. Tilted Implants: This technique is used for people with bone deficiency, Where the teeth are implanted at an oblique angle to achieve greater stability.

The process of choosing the right type of dental implants needs careful evaluation from a specialist dentist, The choice of type depends on the condition of the mouth and bone and the individual needs of each patient.

Our article about dental implants

Our article about 3 guidelines to follow when implanting teeth

For more details, please contact the consultant directly via WhatsApp, click on the link below:


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